Superintendent’s Update

Posted On Friday November 24, 2023

Dear Parents and Caregivers:

In the 2022-2027 District Strategic Plan, we have embraced what it means to develop learning opportunities through professional collaboration that have supported students to thrive (District mission).

École Lloyd George - November 21

Principal Dumas and I visited Mme Bossio and Mme Ramunno in the Library who shared how students were working on projects about goal-setting by creating a digital competency portfolio. Under the leadership of Mme Bossio, the students had worked together and independently for one hour in the learning commons. These two teachers had collaborated with Mme deVries, SD73 District Technology Coordinator and participated in a recent professional learning opportunity about Artificial Intelligence. The results of teacher collaboration and the extended block is deeper learning linking competencies such as researching, fact checking, and understanding privacy guidelines.

Mme Erin’s Gr. 6 class was making a coding challenge for their grade 2 buddies. Mme Stafford (Gr. 2 teacher) took time to share how she was transferring learning that she had done at Aberdeen Elementary with Anthony Michel about the Seven Grandfather Teachings. The students were exploring “Honesty” and had learned about the story of the Swan (speqmíc). This legend tells of Swan resolving differences through the spirit of respect, reciprocity, and by sharing knowledge with others. Swan takes action and leadership to overcome problems. The students enter the classroom each day and place their names which are on magnets above a goal related to honesty and then discuss what they did to enact it. They had moved beyond “telling the truth”, to other related competencies such as solving problems.

Robotics Collaboration

In the District Strategic Plan, students are to develop a lifelong appreciation of learning, a curiosity about the world around them, and a capacity for creative thought and expression (Intellectual Development Priority). To support students to develop intellectually in a time of fast-paced emerging technologies, teachers need to be willing to take on new learning themselves. Read more.

The International Baccalaureate (IB)

Trustee Karpuk and Assistant Superintendent Hamblett attended the IB Diploma Programme Information evening at NorKam Senior Secondary, which included presentations by four current IB students and an IB parent. IB Coordinator Trevor Pendergast provided the overview of the IB Diploma Programme (DP), and there were over 100 parents and students who participated in this evening presentation. While this presentation was primarily focused on the DP Programme for grades 11 and 12, the upcoming Middle Years Programme (MYP) was also profiled as a new opportunity for grades 8-10 students, which starts with grade 8 students in the Fall of 2024.

Last night, there were also presentations about the TRU Trades Sampler and Hairdressing for students starting these programs in February 2024. Vice Principal Nikki Stewart, District Vice Principal Kerry Gairdner, and Dwayne Geiger Partnerships Transitions Coordinator, TRU co-led the orientation for the TRU Sampler program. The TRU Trades Sampler orientation introduced three programs (construction, mechanical, industrial samplers) to over 50 parents and students.

For the hairdressing program, Ms. Gairdner and Mr. Adrian Parker, hair stylist instructor, shared with parents and students the expectations of the program and how to be successful. This also included a tour of the La Bella Saints Salon. There are 11 students in this program.

As we engage in different parent education nights and learn about new programming, it is an exciting time. Thank you for supporting your children and the school community.

Take time to enjoy your weekend.


Rhonda Nixon, PhD


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